This month featured a very interesting and informative talk entitled: 'PET: Designing for Persuasion, Emotion & Trust'.
This was a topic I was aware of but had never really looked at in detail. The presentation, by usability specialist Barry Briggs, provided a good introduction to an interesting design topic that affects our consumer habits and decisions on a daily basis.
The presentation introduced the concept of 'PET' and explained how it is used as an extra layer on top of user centred design. It then went onto to explain some of the techniques used within the PET toolkit in certain situations.
I found the concept of the toolkit especially interesting as I had recently designed a service design toolkit called 'Fine Tune' for my final major project at uni. The practice of categorising different techniques to be used in different design situations was something I was familiar with after researching various service design method decks such as IDEO's and SILK. It was interesting to see this same technique applied to PET.
The presentation ended with a mention of the 'Mental Notes' card set, which similar to IDEO's method deck displays 50 PET insights and techniques which can then be applied to various design briefs depending on the aims of the project. The cards are focused on aiding the design of web sites, web apps and software applications.
Overall the presentation was very informative and got me thinking how I could adapt my own 'Fine Tune' method cards to different design situations, in particular aspects of usability design.
Big thanks to @fan_futures for taking the lovely snaps.
Here's the presentation slides: