
8 July 2011

Design thinking can change the world...

Yoxi is a creative competition and social game that invites teams of three to enter to compete to find the best solutions to current social problems.

The first competition challenge was simply titled; 'Reinvented fast food.'
Easier said than done.

Ten teams were selected to compete and developed a product, service or programme that helped to answer the challenge in a socially positive way.

The winners were The Udon Project with 'The Spoke' a fast food drive thru restaurant that's transparant, locally interactive and community driven.

The second competition challenge has now been released with the title; 'Trim the waste of fashion' and hopes to address issues of waste and sustainability within the world of fashion.

I think some of the responses to the first challenge were very creative, exciting and innovative so I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for the next ten entries when they are announced next Friday.

Visitors of the site are also encouraged to play along and support their favourite team, a good technique for getting people involved with social issues...

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